Marketing Automation Intelligence

Exclusive integrations, e-mail marketing, multi-channel strategies, data management and CRM implementation: We develop and execute the exact solution you need to get the most out of your structure and strategy.

Get to know us

We are official ActiveCampaign Partners since 2020, Agency Partner Platinum and Integration Partner.



Companies that trust our work

Services we offer


Exclusively tailored integrations: Reliably connect countless tools and platforms.

Funnel and Automation Implementation

From tools configurations to Copywriting, we got you covered. Market-validated workflows and strategies, fully customized for your business.

Consultancy and Advisory

E-mail marketing management, CRM implementation, data intelligence and tracking.

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Como podemos ajudar seu negócio:

Get to know our services in detail


Exclusive custom-made integrations: Reliably connect countless tools and platforms.

To build an effective multi-channel strategy, clarity and planning are paramount. The first step is to understand the correct way to orchestrate the functioning of the several tools and platforms involved.

Our team specializes in flexibly developing integrations to meet each strategy. Whether using our market-validated applications for ecommerce platforms or developing a tailored solution for your business.

Funnel and Automation Implementation

From tool configuration to Copywriting, leave it all to us.
Market-validated workflows and strategies, fully customized to your needs.

Transactional emails, purchase confirmation, abandoned carts, welcome workflows and much more. We quickly implement the major automations for your business, following your visual identity, communication and strategy.

Consultancy and Advisory

E-mail marketing management, CRM implementation, data intelligence and tracking.

Whether by operationalizing your email campaigns, building your personalized CRM or developing advanced solutions in data intelligence and tracking, you can count on El Funileiro to consistently achieve your goals.

CNPJ: 39.644.894/0001-98


Get to know us

El Funileiro 2024 ®. All Rights Reserved.

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